If yes please list the number & attach a copy/ picture of the license.

If "Yes" please list the type of card, number & attach a copy / picture of the card

If "Yes" please attach a copy / picture of the certificate

Indicate level of service
How many direct employees do you have?
How many subcontract employees do you have?
Do you hold the following insurance?

*Please attach a copy of your current insurance certificates.
Documents are to be verified by KDM prior to you being able to operate on site.


Please supply if available a copy of your current SSIP (CHAS, Avetta, SAFE Contractor).
KDM will look to engage subcontractors in the first instance who can verify SSIP accreditation.

Please provide details of the person within your organisation who is responsible for health & safety
Please provide details of any external advisor for health and safety
If employing more than 5 employees we require a copy of your health and safety policy

Please provide copies of recent Risk and Method Statements for works completed within the last 6 months

Are you a member of any trade federations/accreditation, if so please list below?

I, the undersigned have read and agree to adhere to all KDM working policies and procedures and confirm that
the information provided is accurate.


*This document should be electronically signed by the Business Owner in the case of Sole Trader/Partnership or Director in the case of a Limited Company and forwarded by clicking on the Submit button below. Alternatively you can email a copy to Please note that failure to submit this document for approval will delay any payments due to your business.